the Blupor


Whart is BLUP ?


the BLUP can be seen on the horse's page, in the Genetics chart, but only if you have passed Riding Level 4 !

BLUP is a reference for reproduction.
It means : Best Linear Unbiased Prediction
The parents’ BLUP influences the genetic potential (GP) of a foal at its birth.

BLUP will always be between – 100 and 100

A foal is born with a BLUP = -100, then BLUP can raise to 100


Go to the horse's page, on top, in the adress bar, you will find the ID number. Example on howrse :


How to raise BLUP ?

â–º Raise 3 best skills, with training, rides, competitions that give more skills.
(untill 3 best skills are bold) .

â–º Win competitions (up to 20 victories)

â–º Age horse (up to 10 years old)

BLUPPING program - Enter horse ID

Horse ID number :
   (maximum 8-figure number)


To get help for a breed to BLUP,
enter a horse ID from that breed.
The horse's breed needs to be PURE.

Did you fill it up ? If yes, click and don't come and complain afterwards ... ;-)

what else ?

good links



Blupor is a program from