fonds de fiches - codes html


background with just one colour

in html mode, copy and paste this code
at the top of the page :

<table align="center" bgcolor="#......" border="0" bordercolor="#......" width="80%">

fill up the page, and put this code at the bottom of the page :


and press : Edit my profile

technical infos

(it's the background color replace ...... with the color code in html - ex. for white it's FFFFFF, orange is ff9900)

(if you don't want a border around the table, otherwise put "1" for a thin border... "2" for a thicker border)

(if you chose to have a border, it's the border color.... replace ...... by color code in html)

(it's the width of the background in % - to have it at its maximum put "100%"


Background with a picture

in html mode, copy and paste this code
at the top of the page :

<TABLE bordercolor=#...... cellspacing=5 cellpadding=10 background=http://background_picture_address border=2>
<TD align=middle>

fill up the page, and put this code at the bottom of the page :


technical infos

(if you chose to have a border, it's the border color.... replace ...... by color code in html)

(border width = 5)

(margin around what's in the table towards the border)

(choose a picture and host it at to have an address for this picture - ex :
(thickness of the border around the table)


quoi d'autre ?

bons liens

by CraXoR

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