codes couleur



When you make your profile presentation, in the html code that you will use for backgrounds, or boxes... you will need to find the colour codes of the colours you want to put.

There are 2 sorts of color codes :

  • Hexadecimal code
    It looks like : #A80000

  • RGB code
    It looks like : RGB (255,234,0)


technical infos

RGB means that the code is composed with the 3 primary colors : Red + Green + Blue
In the code, you will have how much of each of these 3 colors affect your colour, 0 => none of the color to 255 => maximum of the color.



It's a code color generator.

Use the 3 sliders (R: Red, G: Green, B: Blue) to choose a color

you can read, the 3 components of your color : rgb(215, 138, 234)

below, the same color, with the hexadecimal color code : #D73AEA



It's a code color generator.

Use the 3 sliders (R: Red, G: Green, B: Blue) to choose a color

you can read, the 3 components of your color : rgb(46, 199, 94)

below, the same color, with the hexadecimal color code : #2EC75E



It's a code color converter .

from hexadecimal to RGB
from RGB to hexadecimal

in hex ====> #D73AEA
in RGB ====> rgb(215, 58, 234)




Choose the background color, and the text color, and you can see the result right away !



howrse color codes

Green (background on page sides)
Light Yellow (forum background)      
Dark Yellow (forum text background)    
Yellow-green (forum title bar)    
Green (very dark)      


quoi d'autre ?

good links to find color codes

by CraXoR

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