mode html


got to html mode

First, go to "my profile" >


Select "HTML mode " >


html mode

You get to a page, with a frame full of characters, that is "html".

It's a language used to code pages on websites, and used on howrse to make the profile pages.

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If you want to add a "visit counter", you get the html code on a site on the internet, and you paste it into the frame, where you want it to appear on your profile page

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When you go back to your profile page, like a visitor, you can see the visit counter ...

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how to put a layout

First, erase all the html code on you profile page.
If you want to keep some elements to put them back in your new layout, save the html code in a file on "word", or "notepad".

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Second, go back to "html mode", copy the html code of your new layout, on a website for example,
and paste it in the empty frame.

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Third, don't forget to click on
"Edit my profile"
to validate you new layout code


quoi d'autre ?

by CraXoR

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