thèmes exemples (suite)

"Je préfère te montrer comment faire, plutôt que de le faire à ta place "


Testés pour version V2 - En cours de traduction française.

N.B. : Tous ces thèmes peuvent être copiés utilisés sur vos fiches !

Mais n'écrivez pas que vous les avez fait vous même
Apprenez à partager, pas à mentir !


thème N°8

elements for the layout

  • background picture N°1
  • I took a basic picture, I added the titles, and made 2 zones for the rollboxes.
    (using photoshop)
    dimensions : 818 X 748

  • background picture N°2 for the second table
  • dimensions : 818 X 448
    I took the same color as the bottom of the main picture, with a "dégradé", and added a title, and a zone for the big rollbox.

    (using Photoshop)

  • border around the pictures
  • I have added a big table, inside which there are the 2 background pictures 1 and 2, and put a black border, width=1.

  • You can use the layout only with picture N°1
  • If you want to do that, delete the code corresponding to the second table, with picture N°2 in background.



    html code

    to copy this code, click inside the frame,
    CTRL + C
    and paste it in your html code frame : CTRL + V


    the result



    html code : second table witth 2 rollboxes instead of one

    to copy this code, click inside the frame,
    CTRL + C
    and paste it in your html code frame : CTRL + V


    the result



    thème N°9

    elements for the layout

  • background picture
  • I took a basic picture, I added the title
    (using photoshop)
    dimensions : 820 X 500

  • rollboxes under the picture
  • there are 3 rollboxe codes, but the boxes become rollboxes only if you put enough text in them => on the result, you can see that the left box is not a rollbox, because the text is not long enough to make it roll.
    You can change the background color of the boxes :
    In the code, change the color codes :
    Left box : bgcolor="#660000" => brown
    Center box : bgcolor="#990000" => red
    Right box : bgcolor="#C55401" => orange



    html code

    to copy this code, click inside the frame,
    CTRL + C
    and paste it in your html code frame : CTRL + V


    the result



    thème N°10 pour fiche CE

    elements for the layout

  • background picture
  • I took a basic picture, and I added the title
    (using photoshop)
    dimensions : 528 X 351

  • for the boxes
  • Box N°1 : simple box code
    width=530 height depends on text in it
    background color : bgcolor="#8b561c"
    text color : <font color="#ffffff">

    Box N°2 : simple box code
    width=200 height depends on text in it
    background color : bgcolor=#cdac7f"
    title color : <font color="#9e3209"

    Box N°3 : roll box code
    width=330 height=300
    background color : bgcolor=#f9e7d2"
    title color : <font color="#9e3209"

    Box N°4 : simple box code
    width=530 height depends on text in it
    background color : bgcolor=#502403"
    text color : <font color="#ffffff">

  • color for the table
  • border surrounding the layout:

  • use your own picture
  • keep the same dimensions : width=528 (because I put border=1)
    host your picture and get an url, and replace in my code, after: background=

    If your picture in higher than 351, you have to raise the height in the code for the first table and the first td (height="351")



    html code

    to copy this code, click inside the frame,
    CTRL + C
    and paste it in your html code frame : CTRL + V


    the result



    same layout example, with other pictures

  • Arabians head background picture

  • In the top code of the layout, change the picture url and put:

  • Horse head background picture

  • In the top code of the layout, change the picture url and put:


    thème N°11

    elements for the layout

  • background picture
  • I took a basic picture, I added the title
    (using photoshop)
    dimensions : 800 X 520

  • rollboxes under the picture
  • there are 3 rollboxe codes, but the boxes become rollboxes only if you put enough text in them
    You can change the background color of the boxes :
    In the code, change the color codes :
    bgcolor="#cccccc" => grey



    html code

    to copy this code, click inside the frame,
    CTRL + C
    and paste it in your html code frame : CTRL + V


    the result



    thème N°12

    elements for the layout

  • background picture
  • I took a basic picture
    dimensions : 800 X 550

  • rollboxe ON the picture
  • No background color, text color = #ffffff = white

  • 2 rollboxes under the picture
  • Table with background color = #8b7a5d
    Left rollbox : background color = rgb(228, 213, 187);
    Right rollbox : background color = #8b7a5d
    Text color : #7c450c = brown and #ffffff = white



    html code

    to copy this code, click inside the frame,
    CTRL + C
    and paste it in your html code frame : CTRL + V


    the result



    thème N°13

    elements for the basic layout

  • picture
  • I took a basic picture - dimensions : 340 X 550
    cell for the picture : width = 426

  • background
  • dimensions : 802 X 590
    background color= #3c6800
    bordercolor: #d70000 = red - border=2px

  • rollboxe besides the picture (here on the right)
  • cell for the rollbox : width = 374
    text color : #ffffff = white and #f5f9a0 = yellow

  • changing the picture
  • change some dimensions if you change the picture dimensions :
    background height = picture height + 40
    max picture width = 400 (horizontal picture hspace= min 13)
    rollbox: height = picture height - 10 - width = 365


    background color : #3c6800


    html code

    to copy this code, click inside the frame,
    CTRL + C
    and paste it in your html code frame : CTRL + V


    the result

    picture : dimensions : 340 X 550

    background height = 590
    max hspace= (426 - 340) / 2 = 43
    rollbox: height = 540 - width = 365


    other result : wider picture

    picture : dimensions : 398 X 530

    background height = 570

    max hspace= (426 - 398) / 2 = 14
    rollbox: height = 520 - width = 365

    background color : #8a2a14


    thème N°13 b

    adding elements to the basic layout

  • second table with 2 rollboxes
  • left rollbox - dimensions : 342 X 286
    right rollbox - dimensions : 341 X 290
    cell in between the 2 rollboxes - width : 65



    background color : rgb(60, 104, 0)
    background color : rgb(245, 249, 160)


    html code

    to copy this code, click inside the frame,
    CTRL + C
    and paste it in your html code frame : CTRL + V


    the result



    thème N°13 c

    adding elements to the basic layout

  • third table with 3 rollboxes
  • left margin = 30 (= horizontal picture margin)
    left rollbox - dimensions : 243 X 286
    center rollbox - dimensions : 244 X 286
    right rollbox - dimensions : 243 X 286



    background color : rgb(60, 104, 0)
    background color : rgb(245, 249, 160)


    html code

    to copy this code, click inside the frame,
    CTRL + C
    and paste it in your html code frame : CTRL + V


    the result



    thème N°14

    elements for the layout

  • top picture

    dimensions : 820 X 549

    top picture url :
    - basic without anything :

    - with borders + center background:

    - with borders + center background + bottom title:



    With photoshop, or another picture program, you ca make a few modifications on the picture :

    - Add titles

    - Create a border on the left and on the right,
    here I made a border with background color = #110a04, and width=30

    - Create a center background,
    here I made an area with a blurred effect on top, with background color = #d5b687, and width = 760

    - the background colors will be used in the second part of the layout, for the border columns and center column, so it's important to note them carefully.


  • bottom picture

    dimensions : 820 X 30
    - Same background color as the borders in the top picture,
    background color = #110a04

    bottom picture url :
    - basic without anything :

    You can write your copyright for example on this picture

    background 1 color: rgb(17, 10, 4) = #110a04
    background 2 color : rgb(213, 182, 135) = #d5b687







    html code : basic layout

    to copy this code, select the code inside the frame,
    CTRL + C
    and paste it in your html code frame : CTRL + V


    the result



    html code : layout with 4 boxes

    to copy this code, select the code inside the frame,
    CTRL + C
    and paste it in your html code frame : CTRL + V


    the result




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